Anger over Bellfield footpath closure.

Residents and walkers are upset after two Rights of Way in Titchfiel have been closed without notice.

Security fencing was erected last week at three locations in the field off Posbrook Lane blocking access to two Public Rights of Way - Numbers 084/341 and 084/39/1

The paths are not marked as closed on the HCC Public Rights of Way map.

The route of a public right of way may not be moved unless the change has first been authorised by a legal order, known as a ‘public path diversion order’.

Obstructing a public right of way without the necessary closure in place is an offence under the Highways Act 1980.

A single notice on the fence states that the footpath is ‘Closed for Archaeology Study’.

The field, known locally, as the ‘Horses Field’ has planning permission for 57 new homes.