Fareham Market to re-start from Monday with social distancing measures in place

Fareham’s town centre market is to re-start from Monday (June 1) with social distancing measures in place to protect both shoppers and market traders.

The popular Monday market stopped trading at the start of the lockdown in March but stalls will be out again from Monday ahead of a more general opening up of other non-essential shops and businesses in the town centre on June 15.

There have been extensive talks with the market traders and the Council has been reassured by the traders that they have social distancing measures in place and will be enforcing those measures to keep everyone safe.

The measures include:

·         Hand sanitiser on all stalls for customers and traders to use

·         All traders to wear masks and gloves

·         All stalls to serve from the main aisle with back of stalls to be covered

·         Signs advising of social distance requirements

·         Marking to indicate a social distance between traders and public

·         Disinfectant spray to be available on all stalls

·         Contactless paying machines to be used where possible


Town centre car parks will all be open on Monday 1st June, except the shoppers car park in Civic Way, which will re open June 15th, and car parking charges will be back in force after being relaxed during the lockdown period There will be a new procedure for using the Osborne Road multi-storey car park, with clear signs to ensure people using the car park lifts and stairs can remain safe and socially distanced.

Executive Leader of Fareham Borough Council, Councillor Seán Woodward, said: “I am delighted that after talks with the traders they have been able to reassure us that we are able to safely re-start the popular Fareham market from Monday.

“I know that the market is extremely popular for many people in Fareham and beyond but it is important that everyone who visits the market keeps to the social distancing guidelines and follows the instructions of the traders in trying to keep everyone safe.

“I am very grateful for the way the traders have worked to responsibly find a safe way for the market to be able to operate again in the town centre.

“These are some of the first small steps in getting the rest of the town centre open and trading again from the middle of June.”